Elisabetta Marini
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Elisabetta Marini |
Address: | Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Section of Neuroscience and Anthropology, University of Cagliari Cittadella universitaria Monserrato |
Phone: | +39 070 675 6607 | |
Fax: | +39-070-675 6616 | |
Email: | emarini@unica.it |
1992 Ph.D. Physical Anthropology, University of Cagliari;
1986 M.S. Biological Sciences with full marks and honours, University of Pisa.
Academic and professional experience
2002-present Associate professor, Physical Anthropology, University of Cagliari;
1999-2001 Researcher, Physical Anthropology, University of Cagliari;
1993-1994 Post-Doc fellowship, Physical Anthropology, University of Cagliari.
Professional Memberships and Activities
2015 – Member of the University Committee on Open Access.
2012 – Member of the executive board of the national anthropological association (Associazione Antropologi Italiani).
2009-2012: President of Natural Sciences course (Faculty of Sciences).
2008-2009: Director of the Master in Communication of Science (Faculty of Science).
2003-2010: Responsible for international relations and student exchange (Natural sciences course, Faculty of Sciences).
2003-2011: Responsible for educational quality assurance (Natural sciences course, Faculty of Sciences).
Member of the National (AAI) and European (EAA) Anthropological Association. Member of the Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science (AISA).
Board of the scientific committee “Groupement Anthropologie Didactique” of Antropo.
Member of the Committee for PhD studies in Animal, molecular, and human biology (University of Cagliari).
Responsible for cooperation projects with developing countries.
Tutor of M.S. and Ph.D. Physical Anthropology Theses.
Research interests
Researches focused on the study of biology and ecology of human populations, with special emphasis on the methodological aspects (statistical tools of analysis, suitability of techniques for nutritional assessment). Main interests are related to child nutritional status, sexual dimorphism, and biology of aging. Human phenotype variability have been studied in European, American, and African populations.
A special attention has been dedicated to science communication.
International collaborations
Promoted collaborations (teaching and research) with: Department of Mathematics, University of Cagliari, Italy; Department of Biology, University of Pisa; Department of Biology, País Vasco University (Bilbao, Spain); Amazonic Center for Research and Control of Tropical Diseases (Puerto Ayaucho, Venezuela); Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (Caracas, Venezuela); Department of Mathematics and Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico (San Juan, Puerto Rico); Department of Statistics, Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain); Department of Biology, Cadi Ayyad University (Marrakech, Morocco).
Published more than 100 papers in international journals, and participated in more than 50 conferences with contributions.
Most recent publications
- IBÁÑEZ ME, MEREU E, BUFFA R, GUALDI-RUSSO E, ZACCAGNI L, COSSU S, REBATO EM, MARINI E (2015) New specific bioelectrical impedance vector reference values for assessing body composition in the Italian-Spanish young adult population. American Journal of Human Biology Apr 18. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22728
- BUFFA R, MEREU E, LUSSU P, SUCCA V, PISANU T., BUFFA F, MARINI E (2015) A new, effective and low cost three-dimensional approach for the estimation of upper-limb volume. Sensors (Basel) 15(6):12342-57.
- MARINI E, BUFFA R, CONTRERAS M, MAGRIS M, HIDALGO G, SANCHEZ W, ORTIZ V, URBAEZ M, STEFANO CABRAS, BLASER MJ, DOMINGUEZ-BELLO MG (2015) Effect of influenza-induced fever on human bioimpedance values. PLoS One. Apr 27;10(4):e0125301.
- MEREU E, BUFFA R, SARAGAT B, MARINI E (2015)Relationship between nutritional and psycho-functional status in Alzheimer’s disease. In (Martin C, Preedy V Eds) Diet and Nutrition in Dementia and Cognitive Decline. PART II General Aspects, Nutritional Factors and Specific Conditions in Dementia and Cognitive Decline. Chapter 39, pp. 435-446. Academic Press, US. ISBN: 978-0-12-407824-6
- COMANDINI O, FAA R, MARINI E (2014) A Better life. Università di Cagliari. http://veprints.unica.it/1058/1/A_Better_Life_2014.pdf
- BUFFA R, MEREU E, MARINI E (2014) Reply to the Comment on “Lower lean mass and higher percent fat mass in patients with Alzheimer’s disease”. Experimental Gerontology, 60:166.
- BUFFA R, MEREU E, COMANDINI O, IBÁÑEZ ME, MARINI E (2014) Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) for the assessment of two-compartment body composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68(11):1234-1240.
- HIDALGO G, MARINI E, SANCHEZ W, CONTRERAS M, ESTRADA I, COMANDINI O, BUFFA R, MAGRIS M, DOMINGUEZ BELLO MG (2014)The nutrition transition in the Venezuelan Amazonia: increased overweight and obesity with transculturation. American Journal of Human Biology, 26:710–712.
- BUFFA R, MEREU E, PUTZU PF, MEREU RM, MARINI E (2014) Lower lean mass and higher percent fat mass in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Experimental Gerontology, 58: 30-33.
- SARAGAT B, BUFFA R, MEREU E, DE RUI M, COIN A, SERGI G, MARINI E (2014) Specific bioelectrical impedance vector reference values for assessing body composition in the elderly. Experimental Gerontology, 50: 52–56.
- BUFFA R, SARAGAT B, CABRAS S, RINALDI AC, MARINI E (2013) Accuracy of specific BIVA for the assessment of body composition in the United States population. PloS One, Volume 8, Issue 3, e58533.
- MARINI E, SERGI G, SUCCA V, SARAGAT B, SARTI S, COIN A, MANZATO E, BUFFA R (2013) Efficacy of specific bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA) for assessing body composition in the elderly. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 17(6):515-21.
- BUFFA R, SARAGAT B, SUCCA V, RUGGIU R, CARBONI L, PUTZU P, MARINI E (2013) Elderly subjects with type 2 diabetes show altered tissue electrical properties. Nutrition 29:132-7.
- MARINI E, BUFFA R, SARAGAT B, COIN A, TOFFANELLO ED, BERTON L, MANZATO E, SERGI G (2012) The potential of classic and specific bioelectrical impedance vector analysis for the assessment of sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity. Clinical Interventions in Aging 7:585-591.
- LODDE M, MARINI E (2012) www.anthroponet.it: proposta per un catalogo ad accesso aperto del materiale scheletrico italiano. In (Micheletti Cremasco M, Scalfari F Eds) Biologia dello scheletro: collezioni, studio e … poesie; pp. 71-75. Quaderni di Asti Studi Superiori. Diffusioneimmagine Editore . ISBN: 97888892774340.
- BUFFA R, FLORIS G, MARINI E (2012) Bioimpedance applications in the elderly. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 16(1):112.
- BUFFA R, FLORIS G, PUTZU PF, MARINI E (2011) Body composition variations in aging. COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM, 35 (1): 259-265.
- SARAGAT B, BUFFA R, MEREU E, SUCCA V, CABRAS S, MEREU RM, VIALE D, PUTZU PF, MARINI E (2012) Nutritional and psycho-functional status in elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 16(3):231-6 .
- BUFFA R, MEREU RM, PUTZU PF, FLORIS G, MARINI E (2010) Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis detects low body cell mass and dehydration in Alzheimer patients. THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, HEALTH AND AGING, 14 (10): 823-827.
- BUFFA R, FLORIS G, LODDE M, COTZA M, MARINI E (2010) Nutritional status in the healthy longeval population from Orroli (central Sardinia, Italy). THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, HEALTH & AGING, vol. 14; p. 97-102.
- BUFFA R, BAALI A, LAHMAM A, AMOR H, ZOUINI M, FLORIS G, RACUGNO W, DOMÍNGUEZ-BELLO MG, MARINI E (2009) Assessment of nutritional status in the Amazigh children of Amizmiz (Azgour Valley, High Atlas, Morocco). JOURNAL OF TROPICAL PEDIATRICS, vol. 55; p. 406-408.
- BUFFA R, FLORIS G, MARINI E (2009) Assessment of nutritional status in free-living elderly individuals by bioelectrical impedance vector analysis. NUTRITION, vol. 25; p. 3-5.
- BUFFA R, FLORIS G, MARINI E (2009) Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis in the assessment of nutritional status in the elderly. NUTRITIONAL THERAPY & METABOLISM, vol. 27; p. 175-182.