Mar 222018

Siamo al secondo anno che l’Università di Zaragoza organizza un incontro con gli studenti stranieri interessati a seguire un periodo di studi o di tirocinio presso uno dei Corsi di Laurea o dei laboratori di ricerca dell’Università. I costi del soggiorno e vitto saranno a carico della stessa Università di Zaragoza.

The Faculty of Science of the University of Zaragoza is organizing the II International Science Week (ISWZ). It is a free program of activities aimed at letting foreign science students know the Faculty of Science, the university and the city of Zaragoza. The ISWZ will be held at the University of Zaragoza, from July 1st to July 6th, 2018. It includes presentations, visits to labs and research institutes, meetings with researchers, science related activities, cultural activities, tours of the city and an excursion to the Pyrenees. Participation is free, and it includes accommodation, two daily meals and all activities. This will be the second edition of ISWZ, after the great success of the 2017 edition, which obtained a score of 4.73 (out of 5) in an anonymous survey filled by the participants.

Participants must be between 18 and 25 years old and be enrolled in a BSc or MSc related to Natural Sciences (including Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Optics…) or Mathematics at any university having an exchange agreement with the University of Zaragoza in any field.

The number of participants is limited; in order to apply, students must fill a Registration form by May 6th. Detailed information and the Registration link can be found at

The ISWZ is also open to Erasmus coordinators of partner universities; in this case, accommodation and meals are not included.

I kindly ask you to forward this information to your students.  If you have any doubts or comments, please write to

All the best.

Jesús Cervero


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