Chiara Spiga


Chiara Spiga


Curriculum vitae

Chiara attained a master’s degree cum laude in Archaeology at University of Pisa in 2015, with an experimental thesis in Paleopathology about the ancient diseases of a human skeletal sample, under the supervision of Prof. Gino Fornaciari. After the degree she worked for a few months in the laboratory of Departamento de Ciências da Vida in Coimbra (Portugal), under the supervision of Prof.ssa Cláudia Umbelino, where she conducted an osteological analysis of skeletal sample from Alcáçova do Castelo de Mértola (Portugal).

She is currently a Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof.ssa Carla Maria Calò, with a project focused on the study of ancient human remains, under an osteological and molecular point of view.

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