
PHD Call AY 2024/2025 link

Descriptive Annex ITA – PhD Programme link

Descriptive Annex ENG – PhD Programme link

Instructions ITA link

Instructions ENG link

Coordinator: Prof. M. Cristina Follesa

Date and place of admission tests
Interview:   The timetable will be available in  the web page
Admission tests:
Assessment of qualifications, curriculum vitae, project, and interview (in presence for ordinary positions), schedule, and details will be available on the university web page above.
Admission tests for foreign applicants:
Assessment of qualifications, curriculum vitae, project, reference letters and interview (online, details will be forwarded by the evaluation commitee and in the page above).


A project submitted, mission statement, and specific topics for each curriculum and details are  specified every year in the PhD Descriptive Annex.

In general the three curricula are focused on the following topics.


Biomedical curriculum
Structure, function and metabolism of biological macromolecules. Structures and replication strategies of animal viruses and the mechanism of interaction with host cells.

Human and Animal Biology and Ecology curriculum
Study of the animal and human biodiversity (ecological, morphological and evolutionary aspects) with special attention to the methods and applications related to the management and conservation of natural
resources, the ecological processes and the ‘man-environment’ interactions.

Drug Sciences curriculum
Nanotechnological applications to drug delivery. Ethanol psychopharmacology in light of its metabolism. Genetic manipulations in neuro-psychopharmacology research. Biopharmaceutical properties of
medicines. Conventional and modified release dosage forms. Methodologies and issues related to discovery, design and development of drugs. Antimicrobial agents, Anticancer drugs, Antiviral drugs, Drugs acting
on the cardiovascular system, drugs affecting the blood, renal system drugs, drugs affecting the immune system activity, or acting on autonomic and the central nervous system.































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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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