




Regulations for PhD students’ didactic activities

PhD students must obtain the total 180 FC (Formative Credits) divided over the three years and must achieve a level of knowledge of the English language equal to B2 (C1 level from AA 20-21).

The acquisition of the FC is agreed with the respective Tutors and must follow the attached scheme in which both the mandatory and optional training path are highlighted.

The FC missing upon completion of the required obligations (45 FC 1st year; 43 FC 2nd year, 39 FC 3rd year) must be completed with the other items shown in the table.

The achievement of level B2 (C1 level from XXXVI cycle) allows the recognition of 4 FC that can be acquired in any of the three years of the course even if in the attached table it is indicated in the third year. The 18 FC relating to passing the compulsory and optional courses is indicatively proposed with a subdivision of 10 FC in the first year and 8 FC in the second year. In agreement with the tutor and with the annual scheduling of lessons, the student can however also provide a different division. The essential FC to be acquired in the three years can therefore be modified, except that 18 FC must still be achieved within the first two years and 4 English FC within the third year.

Within the first 6 months of the start of the doctorate, doctoral candidates must present, concurrently signed by their respective tutors, a concise plan of scientific and educational activities. At the end of the first and second year, doctoral candidates must present, countersigned by their respective Tutors, a concise report on the past activities, a concise forecast report on the activities for the following year and the report of the FC acquired.


Once a year, and with an organization by curriculum, all doctoral students must present the results of their research to the teachers and colleagues of their curriculum. It is compulsory to present the seminar and to attend the presentations of the doctoral colleagues of your curriculum (even years other than your own). It is optional to participate in the presentations of PhD students from other curricula.

The change of year is formalized with the payment of a small fee by 20th of November.

Credits value of activities

International journal publication FC 6, 10 if first or last name
National journal publication FC 3, 4 if first or last name
Chapter of book from international editor FC 5, 10 if first or last name
Chapter of book from national editor FC 2, 3 if first or last name
International congress participation FC 2/day
National congress participation FC 1/day
Poster presentation to an international congress FC 3 first name, 2 other position (+ 2 for participation)
Poster presentation to a national congress FC 2 first name, 1 other position (+ 1 for participation)
PhD Student Oral presentation to an international congress   FC 5 (+ 2 for participation)
PhD Student Oral presentation to a national congress FC 3 (+ 1 for participation)
National workshop or stage FC 2 / day
International workshop or stage FC 3 / day
Abroad stay FC 5 / 30 days
Other Uni stay (in Italy) FC 3 / 30 days


Mandatory activity Description 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Courses Participation in mandatory and optional courses – Credits are indicated in PhD course web page. 10* 8* 0
Seminar Passive participation: presentation of the final dissertation of colleagues (5 FC for each meeting and at least 2 every year, if more add in the optional) 10 10 10
Seminar Passive participation: attending colleagues’ presentations (at least 1 every year, the meeting where you are presenting, if you attend more add in optional) 5 5 5
Test (intermediate) Specific tutor meeting 5 5 5
Test (intermediate) Presentation of annual research results to professors’ board 15 15 0
Test (final) Presentation of annual research and thesis contents to PhD board 0 0 15
English Obtaining a B2 level certificate (C1 from XXXVI cycle) 0 0 4**
Other Participation in congresses/workshops/stages (see first table) 0 0 5
Total of mandatory credits*** 45 43 39
Optional activity Description      
Courses Optional courses on doctoral topics Max 10 Max 10 0
Other Participation to

-presentations of research activity of colleagues (5 FC)

-Participation to more than 1 final discussion (5 FC each)

(these are in addition to the mandatory ones)

Max10 Max 10 Max 10
Research activity Participation in congress/workshops/stages– copy of registration must be sent to the PhD coordinator At will At will At will
Research activity Publications At will At will At will
Research/Training activity/Seminar -Training activity for research techniques or instruments use FC 1/ day

-Participation to seminars/webinars on doctoral topics = 0.5 Credits/hour of seminar with final test –0.33 Credits hour without final test ****

Max 10 Max 10 Max 10
Tutoring Tutoring activity at teaching courses /orienting activity dedicated to secondary schools 5hour=1 credits Max 8 Max 8 Max 8
Abroad stay Periods from 6 to 18 months At will At will At will
  Total of optional credits (at least) 15 17 21

*The separation (10 + 8) of mandatory courses credits between the first and the second year is an example: the total of 18 credits can be distributed between the two years at will, in accordance with the tutor. But also for some reasons it can be completed during the third year

**The English certificate could be obtained in any of the years of the PhD but it is mandatory to obtain it before the end of the PhD. If you have already the certificate recently obtained, you can add the credits the first year.

***The student is exempted from obtaining the credits from a mandatory activity only if he/she is abroad for research/training during the period in which the activity is planned. The “report of annual research results to professors’ board” remains mandatory in any case and the presentation can be organized in online platform.

**** for seminar or webinar with or without test, the coordinator should receive a copy of registration and the “SEMINAR ATTENDANCE FORM filled with seminar information and, when possible, with seminar organiser’s signature.


All activities must be discussed and authorized by the tutor.


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