Secci Daniela

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Curriculum vitae

Daniela graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at University of Cagliari in 2018, with experimental thesis entitled “Poli-pharmacological approach to anticancer therapy”. During her studies she spent six months at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, at the Faculty of Pharmacy in  Ljubljana to perform the research work for her Master’s thesis, under supervision of Professor  Lucija Peterlin Mašič and Daniel Kikelj, and Professor Elias Maccioni.

After her graduation, she worked as researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, at the Faculty of Pharmacy in  Ljubljana, from January 2019 to November 2019, with supervision of Professor Daniel Kikelj.  The purpose of research was optimization and design of biologically active molecules on Gram- bacteria, acting on DNAgirase B. The work is carried out through the ENABLE project, part of the IMI initiative ‘New Drug For Bad Bugs’ (ND4BB).

She is currently a PhD student in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences (Drug Sciences Curriculum), under the supervision of Professor Elias Maccioni. She is working a project focused on design and synthesis of inhibitors of kinases and carbonic anhydrases with potential anticancer activity.


  • “Synthesis, Antiproliferative Effect, and Topoisomerase II Inhibitory Activity of 3-Methyl-2-phenyl-1H-indoles” Nace Zidar, Daniela Secci, Tihomir Tomašič, Lucija Peterlin Mašič, Danijel Kikelj, Daniele Passarella, Aida Nelly Garcia Argaez, Mariafrancesca Hyeraci, Lisa Dalla Via*. ACS Med. Chem. 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.9b00557
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