Michele Schlich


Michele Schlich

Phone: +39 070 675 8554
Email:  michelesch@hotmail.it

Curriculum vitae

Michele graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology from University of Cagliari in July 2013. As an undergraduate student he conducted two semesters of experimental work in the Organic Chemistry department of the Semmelweis University (Budapest) under the supervision of prof. Peter Matyus.
The work led to the preparation of his thesis “New extensions of tert-amino effect and applications in the synthesis of semicarbazide-sensitive amino oxidase modulators” and to a publication on a peer reviewed journal.
Michele is currently studying, under the supervision of Dr. Francesco Lai, new lipid based formulations for the delivery of short nucleic acids (siRNA) to the brain, focusing his attention on site-specificity and in vivo stability of such agents


Bottino, P., Dunkel, P., Schlich, M., Galavotti, L., Deme, R., Regdon Jr., G., Bényei, A., Pintye-Hódi, K., Ronsisvalle, G., Mátyus, P. – Study on the scope of tert-amino effect: New extensions of type 2 reactions to bridged biaryls  (Conference Paper), Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Volume 25, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 1033-1041
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