Amalia Di Petrillo


Amalia Di Petrillo

Phone: +39 070-675-4503

Curriculum vitae

Amalia earned a bachelor’s degree cum laude in Biology at University of Naples Federico II in Molecular Biology in 2010 and a master degree cum laude at the Second University of Naples in 2012, with an experimental thesis in biochemistry on the “Cytotoxic effects of the chimeric protein (WSCIuPDL-4) on HeLa, MCF7 and HEK cells”.

In the Ph.D. program in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences, she joined the research group of Prof. Marcella Corda, which is currently studying the activity of several tyrosinase inhibitors.


Muccio C, Guida V, Di Petrillo A, Severino V, Di Maro A., A novel malate dehydrogenase from Ceratonia siliqua L. seeds with potential biotechnological applications. Protein J. 2012 Dec;31(8):667-73. doi: 10.1007/s10930-012-9446-1.
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