Valentina Piras


Valentina Piras

Phone:  070-6754500

Curriculum vitae

Valentina was born in Cagliari. In 2008 she earned the Bachelor’s degree in Experimental Biology (Biomedical Curriculum) and 2010 the Master’s degree in Neuropsychobiology, both at the University of Cagliari. In 2013 she completed the International Master in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University Autonoma of Madrid where worked for one year at the “Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa – CBMSO” .

She is currently a PhD student in Life, Environmental and Drugs Sciences (Biomedical Curriculum) at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (Biomedical Section) where she is studying, under the supervision of Dr.Cabras Tiziana, the proteome of biofluids, cell and tissue extracts for the characterization of potential disease biomarkers and bioactive peptides.


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