Alessandro Consolo

Alessandro Consolo

Alessandro Consolo

Phone: +39 3407998942

Curriculum vitae

Alessandro earned the bachelor’s degree in Applied Bioecology (Ecological and Marine Curriculum) in November 2011, and the Master’s degree in Marine Bioecology in July 2013, both in the University of Cagliari.

During the MSc program, he kept on conducting his undergraduate experimental studies in collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Environment of Cagliari. Particularly, he has been working at boarding activities, meristic and organic data acquisition and processing within the “Programma di ripopolamento attivo dell’aragosta rossa (Palinurus elephas)” (Active repopulation program for Spiny lobster).

This work led to the completion of his master’s thesis “Statistical approaches for the determination Spiny lobster no-take area’s efficiency”.

He is currently a Ph.D. student in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences (curriculum of Animal Biology and Ecology), and he is working under the supervision of Prof. Angelo Cau on multidisciplinary aspects about international norms related to Coralligenous.


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