Valentina De Maria


Valentina De Maria

Phone:  +39 3403102834

Curriculum vitae

Valentina earned the Master’s degree in Natural Science at the University of Cagliari (2012), as well as the Bachelor’s degree (2007).
In the 2009 she attended a Master in “Science, Technology and Management” at the University of Ferrara.
After a Master’s degree she joined the Ph.D. course in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences, with Prof. Emanuele Sanna and she’s studying the genetic structure of the isolated population.


Application of cork as sorbent of azo-dyes in coloured effluents.
Valeria M. Nurchi, Miriam Crespo-Alonso, Delara Mansoori, Valentina De Maria, Elena Cau
Acta of the International Symposia on Metal Complexes – ISMEC Acta 2 (2012) 256-257 ISMEC GROUP SERIES, ISSN 2239-2459

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