Courses 2015


JUN 2015 Prevenzione e sicurezza in laboratorio (2 CFR)
Ing. Vargiu, Dott.ssa Silvagni, Ufficio Radioprotezione

JUN 2015 Elaborazione e comunicazione di risultati scientifici (2 CFR)
Prof. Elias Maccioni

MAY 2015 Mass spectrometry: Fundamentals, analysis and development of new methods
Prof. Pascal Gerbaux, Université de Mons, Belgium

MAY 2015 Structure elucidation by solution-state 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy
Prof. Michel Luhmer, responsabile del laboratorio di Risonanza ad alta Risoluzione dell’Università Libre de Bruxelles

MAY 2015 New perspective in Anthropological studies (1 CFU)
Prof. Nir Eynon,  Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living, Victoria University (Australia)

APR 2015 New perspective in anthropological studies (1 CFU)

APR 2015 Genetic influence on complex phenotypes” (2 CFR)
Prof. Ester Esteban, Università di Barcellona, Nir Eynon, Università di Melbourne

MAR 2015 Bioinformatics approaches to Endogenous retroviruses (1 CFU)
Prof. Jonas Blomberg University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

MAR 2015 Brief overview of autonomic nervous system physiology and pharmacology (1 CFU)
Prof. Jörgen Ekström, MD, PhD, Division of Pharmacology, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg

MAR 2015 Chemistry and Medicine: Inseparable Partnerss (1CFU)
Prof. Marco A. Ciufolini

FEB 2015 Introduction to statistics
Prof.ssa Monica Musio

GEN 2015 Corso di progettazione europea
Prof. Stefano Usai –  (Riservato ai dottorandi del XXIX ciclo)

To be defined Basic principles and possible applications of NMR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry in chemical and biologica research (2 CFR)
Prof. Luhmer Michel e Gerbaux Pascal

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