Apr 032015

“Practical Tips for Scientific Writing” 15 aprile ore 11-13 aula C

Participants in the Seminar will be introduced to:
– Characteristics of the scientific language.  Typefaces and font families: which is the best choice? What’s in a title?
– Parts of an article: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results. How to describe results: tables, charts and figures. Some advices for writing good discussions.
– Practical tips for scientific writing: The secret of a good paragraph. Connecting ideas.
– How to manage slides and posters.  Improving communication skills.

“Anthropology and Epidemiology” 17 aprile ore 15-17 aula C
Two different examples will introduce participants to some examples of the collaboration between anthropologists and physicians.
– Health status of immigrants from low-income countries in Downtown Barcelona: Sex, Country of origin, age… Does it really matter?
– Are there sex differences in children with severe health conditions?

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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