Enrico Keber




Curriculum vitae

Enrico graduated in Pharmacy with highest honours in 2011 from the University of Trieste with a thesis on the “Evaluation of the stability of dilutions containing cisplatin at the Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital in Udine.” In 2012 he undertook the second level Master in Clinical Pharmacy and completed the course with a thesis on “The design of the services offered in community pharmacies: strategic and applicative aspects” with Laura Iacovone, professor of the University of Milan. Throughout 2016 he specialised in medication reconciliation at the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital in Granada (ES). From 2013 to today he has been working with the Italian Society of Clinical Pharmacy (SIFAC), carrying out clinical research, teaching and tutoring university courses, preparing training content for community pharmacies, and writing scientific articles. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate of the XXIII cycle and investigates drug-epidemiological research and Pharmaceutical care.


  • Giua Marassi C, Keber E. Malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo e dispepsia. In: Giua Marassi C Ed. Inquadramento clinico e gestione dei disturbi minori in farmacia. Milano: Edra; 2017. pp. 7-12. ISBN:9788821440212
  • Keber E, Giua Marassi C. Rinite. In: Giua Marassi C Ed. Inquadramento clinico e gestione dei disturbi minori in farmacia. Milano: Edra; 2017. pp 154-158. ISBN:9788821440212
  • Keber E, Mallarini E, Sanna G, Savarino V, Ubaldi E, Leopardi E. Sintomi da reflusso gastroesofageo: verso una gestione condivisa. Consensus multidisciplinare. Edra. Marzo 2015. ISBN: 9788821440472
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