Andrea Pierucci




Curriculum vitae

Andrea received his Bachelor’s degree in Marine Environmental Sciences in 2012, with an experimental thesis “Evaluation and quantification of sillover effect in the Marine Protected Areas (MPA)” at the University of Genoa with the collaboration of the University of Cadiz. He was supervised by the Prof. R. C. Vietti and the Prof. A. C. Cabañas. During this first period of his studies he obtained a scholarship at the University of Cadiz, and performed two internships in France with the University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie at the Biological Station of Roscoff and at the Arago Laboratories in Banyuls-sur-mer.

Andrea obtained his master degree in Marine Sciences, in 2014 with an experimental thesis “Bionomic characterization of the benthic communities in the MPA of Tremiti islands and the quantification of the abundance and the distribution of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Forsskål) J.Agardh 1873” at the University of Genoa in collaboration of the University of Ancona and the University of Ravenna, under the supervision of Prof. Bavestrello, Prof. Cerrano, Dr. Schiapparelli, Dr. Ponti and Dr. Sorci. During this second step of his career he improved his diving skills with a training course in ”Plongée Scientifique pour l’Ecologie Côtière” at the Uni. Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Biol. Stat. of Roscoff) and he obtained a scholarship “MARLINTREMITI” at the MPA of Tremiti Islands where he did the field work for his experimental thesis.

After his graduation he worked with the Registro Italiano Navale (RINA Services S.p.A.) focusing on the sustainable fishery certifications: Marine Stewardship Council and Friend of The Sea.

In March 2017 he participated in the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE), a historic multidisciplinary international Southern Ocean voyage organized through the Swiss Polar Institute at the Éecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and the ACE. During this expedition Andrea has been involved in one of the 22 scientific projects, cooperating with 150 researchers from 18 countries on board the Russian Icebreaker Akademik Treshnikov.


Sumaila, U. Rashid and Pierucci, Andrea and Oyinlola, Muhammed and Cannas, Rita and Froese, Rainer and Glasser, Sarah and Jacquet, Jennifer and Kaiser, Brooks and Issifu, Ibrahim and Micheli, Fiorenza and Naylor, Rosamond L. and Pauly, Daniel, Aquaculture Over-Optimism. SSRN: or

Suaria, G., Achtypi, A., Perold, V., Lee, J. R., Pierucci, A., Bornman, T. G., Aliani, S.,  Ryan, P. G. (2020). Microfibers in oceanic surface waters: A global characterization. Science Advances, 6(23), eaay8493. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay8493

Ryan, P. G., Suaria, G., Perold, V., Pierucci, A., Bornman, T. G., Aliani, S. (2020). Sampling microfibres at the sea surface: The effects of mesh size, sample volume and water depth. Environmental Pollution, 258, 113413. DOI

Pierucci, A., De La Fuente, G., Cannas, R., Chiantore, M. (2019). A new record of the invasive seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder in the South Adriatic Sea. Heliyon, 5(9), e02449. DOI

Suaria, G., Pierucci, A., Zanello, P., Fanelli, E., Chiesa, S., Azzurro, E. (2019). Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) and Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896) in the Ligurian Sea: two additional invasive species detections made in collaboration with local fishermen. Bioinvasions Records, vol. 6, num. 2, p. 147-151. DOI

Pierucci, A., and Cózar, A. (2015). “An equation to estimate absolute population density from visual census of mobile animals”. Ecological Modelling. Volume 303: 105-110. DOI

Scientific Reports

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 2020 Stock Assessmentsin the Mediterranean Sea – Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas (STECF-20-15), Tsikliras, A., Sim-monds, J., Pinto, C., Mannini, A., Bitetto, I., Vanja, CK., Daskalov, G., Ligas, A., Mantopoulou, D.,Murenu, M., Orio, A.,Pierucci, A., Ticina, V., Tserpes, G. Publications Office of the EuropeanUnion, Luxembourg, 2020, ISSN 1831-9424, JRC122994.

Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 2020 Stock Assessments:demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea (STECF-20-09), Konrad C., Simmonds, J.,Pinto, C., Mannini, A., Bitetto, I., Certain, G., Daskalov, G., Panisello, MG., Guijarro, B., Ligas,A., Mantopoulou, D., Martin, P., Murenu, M., Musumeci, C., Orio, A., Pesci, P.,Pierucci, A.,Ramirez, J., Sbrana, M., Tsikliras A., Winker H., Publications Office of the European Union,Luxembourg, 2020, ISSN 1831-9424, JRC122993.
Monitoraggio dello stock commerciale di riccio di mare (Paracentrotus lividus). Sintesi deirisultati del monitoraggio sullo stato della risorsa riccio di mare. Annata 2019/2020. Fois, N.,Chessa, F., Arrostuto, N., Serra, S., Trentadue, M., Guala, I., Farina, S., Ruberti, N., Brundu, G.,Loi, B., Grech, D., Addis, P., Secci, M.,Pierucci, A., Ceccherelli, G., DELIBERAZIONE G.R. N. 37/24DEL 1.8.2017. DELIBERAZIONE G.R. N. 53/18 DEL 28.11.2017.
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 2019 Stock Assessmentspart 2: European fisheries for demersal species in the Adriatic Sea (STECF-19-16), Simmonds,J., Mannini, A., Pinto, C., Bitetto, I., Cikes, V., Costantini, I., Daskalov, G., Isajlovic, I., Ligas, A.,Mantopoulou, D., Murenu, M., Orio, A.,Pierucci, A., Romagnoni, G., Vrgoc, N. EUR 28359 EN,Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-14558-5 (online),doi:10.2760/95875 (online), JRC119057.


M. Ponti, C. Cerrano, R. Camillis, F. Montesanto, A. Magnani, E. Miccadei, A. Pierucci, F. Rindi, E. Turicchia “I Popolamenti Sommersi dell’Area Marina Protetta Isole Tremiti” (2016). ISBN 978-88-906783-7-0.

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