

-Biostatistics Course (8CRF)

Prof.Giacomo Diaz

03rd, 10th, 17th, 21st  of December

classroom n. 5, D2, block H

from 3 to 5 pm


11th,18th, 25th, 29th of March

classroom n. 5, D2, block H

from 3 to 5 pm


-Radiological protection Course (4CRF)

Dr Alessandra Bernardini

24th and 25th of July 2019

classroom B, D3, block G

from 9.00 am to 1 pm


Elaboration and communication of scientific results (5CRF) 

September 2019 – dates to be defined

Elaboration of a scientific manuscript — Prof. Tramontano

Preparation of a scientific presentation — Prof.ssa Rita Cannas

Graphical visualization and preparation of 3D molecules and macromolecules -Prof.ssa Simona Distinto

The predisposition of a research proposal for grant request — Prof. Elias Maccioni  

The art of publishing a successful scientific paper: tips and tricks in the era of scientometry – Prof Antonio Pusceddu


-The development of teaching skills- E-learning training course (10CFR)

20 hours, organized by the University of Cagliari within the DISCENTIA project.




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