Allaw Mohamad


Phone: 070 675-8714

Curriculum vitae

Mohamad graduated in Pharmacy in 2017 at the University of Cagliari with a thesis entitled “Extraction of a phytocomplex from grape pomace, incorporation in phospholipid vesicles and evaluation of the antioxidant efficacy” under the supervision of Professor Maria Manconi. The results presented in his MA thesis will be published in a scientific journal.
In April 2018 he joined the XXXIII Cycle of PhD program in Life, Environment and Drug Sciences at the University of Cagliari with the scholarship PON under the supervision of Professor Maria Manconi.
He is currently working on a project focused on the development of innovative nano-formulations carrying natural molecules for the treatment of skin diseases.
He spent three months, from April to July 2019, in Iran at the University of Teheran to enrich his knowledge and methodologies in the extraction and characterization of vegetable extracts and agri-food residues.

During his PhD, he works as a tutor in the lab of Pharmaceutical Technologies at the University of Cagliari.

In accordance with his industrial PhD, he spent six months at Icnoderm S.R.L in Pula to improve his skills and to learn about the production of his nano-formulations on an industrial scale.

He is a junior member of A.D.R.I.T.E.L.F (Association of Italian Teachers and Researchers in Pharmaceutical Technologies and Legislation) and participated in its advanced schools in Pharmaceutical Technology for two years (Como 2018 and Soverato 2019) with a poster entitled “Red Grape Pomace Extract loaded in soluble fiber-enriched liposomes as prebiotic and antioxidant system for intestinal protection” and an intervention entitled “Mangiferin loaded vesicles tailored combining phospholipid with Tween, Glycerol and Propylene Glycol to enhance skin penetration and protection”.



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