Di Crescenzo Simone

Email:  simone.dicrescenzo@unica.it

Curriculum vitae

Strongly motivated to study marine ecosystem and in particular cartilaginous fish, Simone start his course of study at University of Tuscia, where Simone graduated cum laude in Environmental Science in 2017. During his BSc thesis work, entitled “Application of laser photogrammetry on C. carcharias in a natural environment”, he joined to scientific surveys in Sudafrica to collect morphometric data using non-invasive teqhniques during his internships with CSS and ISPRA.

Simone obtained his master’s degree in Marine Ecology graduating with honors in 2020 at University of Bologna, with his MSc thesis work entitled “Connectivity in the wide-ranging deepwater blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810): first assessment of genetic structure in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations”, collaborating with a large number of european universities and organizations.

In 2021 Simone obtained first a new intership in ISPRA and after a scholarship with UNIBO, focused on ecology and fishery topics, respectively. In particular, the ISPRA intership was linked to the “SAPEI project” and was focused on the effect of artifical reef on the biological community of Asinara Gulf along a pipe, while the UNIBO scholarship was linked to the MEDITS programme and has planned both field and laboratory activities.

Nowadays, Simone is a PhD student at Cagliari University under the supervision of Prof. Rita Cannas. His research currently focuses on the use of eDNA to infer the biodiversity of deep-water environment, aiming to increase the knowledge of this environment as mysterious as delicate.


Di Crescenzo, S., Carugati, L., Melis, R., Cannas, R., 2022. Finding Biodiversity: Assessing limits and potential of eDNA public sequences in reference libraries creation. GR2022

Ferrari, A., Di Crescenzo, S., Cariani, A., Crobe, V., Benvenuto, A., Piattoni, F., Mancusi, C., Bonnici, L., Bonello, J. J., Schembri, P. J., Serena, F., Massi, D., Titone, A., Tinti, F., 2021. Puzzling over spurdogs: molecular taxonomy assessment of the Squalus species in the Strait of Sicily. The European Zoological Journal, 88:1, 181-190, DOI: 10.1080/24750263.2020.1849436

Di Crescenzo, S., 2019. First assessment of the genetic structure of deepwater blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus (Rafinesque, 1810)) in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. MSc thesis, UNIBO

Di Crescenzo, S., Ferrari, A., Cariani, A., Tinti, F., 2019. First assessment of the genetic structure of deepwater blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus (Rafinesque, 1810)) in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. EEA2019

Di Crescenzo, S., Micarelli, P., Scacco, U., 2018. Application of laser photogrammetry on C. carcharias in natural environment. EEA2018

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