Giordano Bruna


Curriculum vitae

Bruna graduated in Biological Sciences in 2016 at Sapienza University of Rome. During her BSc’ she joined the Erasmus Student program c/o Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France), and after graduating, she participated in an internship in ESRG, an NGO based in the Falkland Islands. During this period, she deepened her knowledge of marine sciences and behavioral data logging, particularly studying two charismatic marine species: Mirounga leonina and Orcinus orca.

Bruna obtained her master’s degree with the highest honors in Marine Ecology and Conservation at the Sapienza University of Rome in 2020. In this framework, she obtained a scholarship to carry out her thesis project abroad c/o Laboratoire d’Ecogèchimie des Environnements Bentiques (LECOB, Banyuls sur Mer-France), where she strengthened her interest and expertise in corals’ biology and reproduction. After the graduation, founded by Erasmus traineeship scholarship, she continued her studies in LECOB to point out some aspects of her previous studies on Corallium rubrum biomineralization.

In 2021 she collaborated with Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN) in studying marine deep ecosystems, particularly focusing on Anthozoa. During this period she was involved in an Oceanographic campaign aiming to characterize the megabentic communities of the strait of Sicily.

Nowadays, Bruna is a Ph.D. student at Cagliari University under the supervision of Prof. Rita Cannas and Dr. Alessandro Cau. Her research currently focuses on the investigation of the fertilization processes affecting the Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum), aiming to develop an innovative restoration protocol based on sexual reproduction.



Vielzeuf, D., Giordano, B., Devidal, J. L., Ricolleau, A., Perrin, J., Balme-Heuze, C., & Floquet, N. (2021). Identification of Precious Corals (Corallium rubrum vs C. japonicum) Using LA-ICP-MS Analysis. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(6), 596-607.

Giordano, B., & Bramanti, L. (2021). First report of chimerism in Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum). Mediterranean Marine Science.

Carugati, L., Bramanti, L., Giordano, B., Pittura, L., Cannas, R., Follesa, M. C., … & Cau, A. (2021). Colonization of plastic debris by the long-lived precious red coral Corallium rubrum: New insights on the “plastic benefits” paradox. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165, 112104.

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