Bitetto Isabella


Curriculum vitae

Isabella received her Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Support to Finance in 2009 from the University of Bari, with a thesis on stochastic discrete time models supervised by Prof. Rosa Maria Mininni.

She has been working for COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca (Bari, Italy) since 2009 as responsible of demersal and small pelagic stock assessments for Southern Adriatic, South Tyrrhenian and Western Ionian Seas. She works also on the development of statistical analysis, fish population mathematical models, bio-economic models, preference modelling, optimization of biological sampling methods, data quality procedures and development of software. She is also involved in several international projects as Task and WP coordinator.

She attended ICES courses in stock assessment models (introduction and advanced) and MSE, statistics and mathematical models courses, VPA, Stock Synthesis and FLR courses; she participated to advanced school on quantitative methods for EAF application (AMARE-MED).

She is routinely involved in STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries) and GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) stock assessment working groups on Mediterranean stocks.

She is currently a PhD student in the PhD Program in Life, Environmental and Drug Science, under the supervision of Prof. Maria Cristina Follesa. Her work focuses on the assessment of the status of the stocks of red coral and spiny lobster in Sardinia Seas and bio-economic evaluation of ad hoc measures of management  of these key marine resources of Sardinia fisheries.




Rochet M-J., C. Burny, M.-T. Spedicato), V. Trenkel, J. Collie, I. Bitetto, L. Fauconnet, C. Follesa, G. Garofalo, L.Maiorano, C. Manfredi; A. Mannini, G. Tserpes.2013. Does fisheries selectivity affect food web dynamics in a way that needs to be managed? ICES CM 2013 / E: 03.

Rossetto M., Bitetto I., Spedicato M. T., Lembo G., Gambino M., Accadia P., Melià P. (2014) Multi- criteria decision-making for fisheries management: A case study of Mediterranean demersal fisheries. Marine Policy, 53, 83–93.

Bitetto I., Facchini M.T., Accadia P., Carpi P., Ligas A., Musumeci C., Pinello D., Sartor P., Scarcella G., Lembo G., F. Maynou, M. Garcia, B. Guerin. G. Daskalov, M. Panayotova and Spedicato M.T. (2016). Study on the Evaluation of Specific Management Scenarios for the Preparation of Multiannual Management Plans in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Final Report, CALL MARE/2014/27, CONTRACT NUMBER – EASME/EMFF/2014/ 193. doi: 10.2826/85917.

Ojea E., Pascual M., March D., Bitetto I., Melià P., Breil M., Claudet J. and Markandya A. (2017) Socioeconomic Impacts of Networks of Marine Protected Areas. Chapter 6 in Goriup P. D. Management of Marine Protected Areas: A Network Perspective. Wiley-Blackwell, 312 pp.

Russo T, Bitetto I, Carbonara P, Carlucci R, D’Andrea L, Facchini MT, Lembo G, Maiorano P, Sion L, Spedicato MT, Tursi A and Cataudella S (2017) – A Holistic Approach to Fishery Management: Evidence and Insights from a Central Mediterranean Case Study (Western Ionian Sea). Frontiers in Marine Science 4:193. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00193.

Lembo G, Bellido JM, Bitetto I, Facchini MT, García-Jiménez T, Stithou M, Vassilopoulou VC and Spedicato MT (2017) Preference Modeling to Support Stakeholder Outreach toward the Common Fishery Policy Objectives in the North Mediterranean Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 4:328. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00328.

Spedicato, M.T.; Bitetto, I.; Lembo, G.; Sartor, P.; Accadia, P.; (2018), Research for PECH Committee – Discard ban, landing obligation and MSY in the Western Mediterranean Sea, the Italian case, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels 80 pages download the full text at:

Bitetto I., Romagnoni G., Adamidou A., Certain G., Di Lorenzo M., Donnaloia M., Lembo G., Maiorano P., Milisenda G., Musumeci C., Ordines F., Pesci P., Peristeraki P., Pesic A., Sartor P., Spedicato M.T. 2019. Modelling spatio-temporal patterns of fish community size structure across the northern Mediterranean Sea: an analysis combining MEDITS survey data with environmental and anthropogenic drivers. Sci. Mar. 83S1: 141-151.

Sion L., Zupa W., Calculli C., Garofalo G., Hidalgo M., Jadaud A., Lefkaditou E., Ligas A., Peristeraki P., Bitetto I., Capezzuto F., Carlucci R., Esteban A., Follesa C., Guijarro B., Ikica Z., Isajlovic I., Lembo G., Manfredi C., Pérez J.L., Porcu C., Thasitis I., Tserpes G., Carbonara P. (2019). Spatial distribution pattern of European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae), in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 83S1: 21-32.

Peristeraki P., Bitetto I., Carbonara P., Carlucci R., Certain G., De Carlo F., Gristina M., Kamidis N., Pesci P., Stagioni M., Valls M., Tserpes G. (2019). Investigation of spatiotemporal patterns in mean temperature and mean trophic level of MEDITS survey catches in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 83S1: 165-174.

Hidalgo M., Ligas A., Bellido J.M., Bitetto I., Carbonara P., Carlucci R., Guijarro B., Jadaud A., Lembo J., Manfredi C., Esteban A., Garofalo G., Ikica Z., García C., Gil de Sola L., Kavadas S., Maina I., Sion L., Vittori S., Vrgoc N. (2019). Size-dependent survival of European hake juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina 83S1: 207-221.

Guijarro B., Bitetto I., D’Onghia G., Follesa M.C., Kapiris K., Mannini A., Marković O., Micallef R., Ragonese S., Skarvelis K., Cau A. (2019). Spatial and temporal patterns in the Mediterranean populations of Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Aristeidae) based on the MEDITS surveys. Sci. Mar. 83S1: 57-70.

Fernandez-Arcaya U., Bitetto I., Esteban A., Farriols M.T., García-Ruiz C., Gil de Sola L., Guijarro B., Jadaud A., Kavadas S., Lembo G., Milisenda G., Maina I., Petovic S., Sion L., Vaz S., Massutí E. (2019). Large-scale distribution of a deep-sea megafauna community along Mediterranean trawlable grounds. Sci. Mar. 83S1: 175- 187.

Panzeri D., Bitetto I., Carlucci R., Cipriano G., Cossarini G., D’Andrea L., Masnadi F., Querin S., Reale M., Russo T., Scarcella G., Spedicato M.T., Teruzzi A., Vrgoč N., Zupa W., Libralato S. (2021). Developing spatial distribution models for demersal species by the integration of trawl surveys data and relevant ocean variables. In Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 14:sup1, s114–s123; DOI: 10.1080/1755876X.2021.1946240

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