Scognamiglio Sante


Curriculum vitae

Sante took the Bachelor’s degree in Biology in 2018 and subsequently the Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology in 2020 at the University of Cagliari, discussing a thesis with the title “Comprehensive Analysis of HERV Transcriptome in HIV+ Cells: Absence of HML2 Activation and General Downregulation of Individual HERV Loci”. The results presented in his master’s thesis were previously published in the scientific journal “Viruses”. During his traineeship at the laboratory of Molecular Virology, supervised by Prof. Enzo Tramontano, He also worked at the characterization of the HML7 and HML8 groups of HERV which lead to the publication of the results in the scientific journal “Biology”, an Oral Presentation at the “46th annual meeting on Retroviruses – Cold Spring Harbor (USA), May 25 – 28, 2021” and a first-author Oral Presentation at the “5th Innovative Approaches for Identification of Antiviral Agents Summer School September 22nd-24th 2021”.

After the Master’s degree He won a research fellowship for a project entitled: “Quality of life, cost-benefit analysis, school and socio-work integration in thalassaemic people undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or conventionally treated” under the supervision of the Prof. Giovanni Caocci at the Department of Haematology e CTMO, P.O. Oncologico Businco, A.O. Brotzu.

He is currently a PhD student in Life, Environmental and Drugs Sciences (Biomedical Curriculum) under the supervision of Prof. Enzo Tramontano with a project focused on the study of the differential expression of HERV concomitantly to different exogenous viral infections.


Grandi, N.; Pisano, M.P.; Pessiu, E.; Scognamiglio, S.; Tramontano, E. HERV-K(HML7) Integrations in the Human Genome: Comprehensive Characterization and Comparative Analysis in Non-Human Primates. Biology 2021, 10, 439.


Grandi, N.; Pisano, M.P.; Scognamiglio, S.; Pessiu, E.; Tramontano, E. Comprehensive Analysis of HERV Transcriptome in HIV+ Cells: Absence of HML2 Activation and General Downregulation of Individual HERV Loci. Viruses 2020, 12, 481.


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